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RE: Makeshift Patriot - A great song about the results of this tragedy and how I feel.


RE: Makeshift Patriot - A great song about the results of this tragedy and how I feel.
by Darwin at 3:35 pm EST, Nov 20, 2002

whatnda wrote:
] cyantist wrote:
] ] There is a piece of music that I'd really really like folks
] to
] ] listen to.
] ] It's about the events of 9/11 and the response of various
] ] Americans.
] ] Listen closely to the lyrics. Let me know what you think.
] ]
] ] The lyrics are at:
] ]
] ]
] ] The guy who made the track:
] ]
] ]This song is not about 9/11 the lyrics were wrote in 1995
] ]anyways were did you find this cd

What the hell are you talking about? There are tons of explicit references to 9/11 stuff.. and the artist (sage francis ( (which is where I got the mp3.. send some email there))) has explicitly stated that this song is about 9/11.


RE: Makeshift Patriot - A great song about the results of this tragedy and how I feel.

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