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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Virtual feds�visit Second Life casinos - You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Virtual feds�visit Second Life casinos -
by Acidus at 12:32 pm EDT, Apr 4, 2007

FBI investigators have visited Second Life's Internet casinos at the invitation of the virtual world's creator Linden Lab, but the U.S. government has not decided on the legality of virtual gambling.

So much about this quote amuses me. On a serious side, this begs the question when is "virtual crime" real crime? Is virtual gambling taxable? I would assume only if you can somehow get real money out of the game. Which leads us to eBay restricting the sale of online items or characters, the classic way people transfered money into the real world.

I wonder if they'll start cracking down on all the "virtual" prostitution in SL.

RE: Virtual feds�visit Second Life casinos -
by Rattle at 1:41 pm EDT, Apr 4, 2007

So much about this quote amuses me. On a serious side, this begs the question when is "virtual crime" real crime? Is virtual gambling taxable? I would assume only if you can somehow get real money out of the game. Which leads us to eBay restricting the sale of online items or characters, the classic way people transfered money into the real world.

It makes you wonder what kind of avatars they have. If they don't have suites, sun glasses, and ear pieces, I want my tax money back.. Heh..

I wonder if they'll start cracking down on all the "virtual" prostitution in SL.

Well, the Supreme Court found that virtual kiddie porn wasn't illegal.. Going after virtual prostitution might be tough.

RE: Virtual feds�visit Second Life casinos -
by Maco at 3:14 pm EDT, Apr 13, 2007

Yes, you CAN get your money out of the game. SL money translates directly to US dollars, complete with exchange rate, and it can be translated in either direction. The kid who told me about SL said he heard there were people making a lot of money off the game by owning popular shops in it.

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