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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Real Estate Roller Coaster - Google Video. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Real Estate Roller Coaster - Google Video
by Decius at 12:16 pm EDT, Apr 4, 2007

House prices in the U.S. from 1890 until 2005, plotted as a roller coaster that you ride from a first person perspective. Here is the datasource. Hold on to your hats.

Real Estate Roller Coaster
by Rattle at 1:39 pm EDT, Apr 4, 2007

House prices in the U.S. from 1890 until 2005, plotted as a roller coaster that you ride from a first person perspective. Here is the data source. Hold on to your hats.

Also check out these two posts from Decius about the current state of the housing market.

Real Estate Roller Coaster
by BridgetAG at 2:18 am EDT, Apr 5, 2007

House prices in the U.S. from 1890 until 2005, plotted as a roller coaster that you ride from a first person perspective. Here is the data source. Hold on to your hats.

Excellent data visualization. Very visceral. I wish they showed the dates more frequently.

There are redundant posts not displayed in this view from the following users: noteworthy, Abaddon, Acidus.
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