The Department of Defense announced the selection of seven Joint Capability Technology Demonstration (JCTD) projects for Fiscal 2007 and three JCTD projects that started at the end of Fiscal 2006.
Fiscal 2007 New Starts:
Tactical Service Provider (TSP)
Mobile, wireless high-throughput broadband connections over long distances
Mapping the Human Terrain (MAP-HT)
Seeks to demonstrate an integrated, open-source, spatially/relationally/temporally referenced human terrain data collection and visualization toolkit that helps combat teams understand the cultural context in which they must operate. Such understanding will help reduce explosive device incidents by optimizing the commander’s operational decision-making process in a way that best harmonizes unit actions with the local culture.
Joint Multi-Mission Electro-Optical System (JMMES)
Counter camouflage, concealment, and deception
Smart Threads Integrated Radiation Sensors (STIRS)
Radiation sensors for state-of-the-art maritime interdiction and battlefield radiation detection
Maritime Automated Supertrack Enhanced Reporting (MASTER)
Enhanced maritime tracking
Internet Protocol Router In Space (IRIS)
Satellite internet resource allocation capabilities
Coalition Mobility System (CMS)
Rapid access to and coordination of coalition movements
There were also three later Fiscal 2006 New Starts:
Coalition Joint Spectrum Management Planning Tool (CJSMPT)
Radio frequency coordination
Regional Maritime Awareness Capability (RMAC)
Collaborative surface vessel location and tracking for ungoverned maritime environments
Focused Lethal Munition (FLM)
Collateral damage minimization using precision-guided weapon