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RE: Super Duper Asshole Parking


RE: Super Duper Asshole Parking
by Catonic at 6:27 pm EDT, Mar 15, 2007

k wrote:

This album is for the best of the best of parking like an asshole

I am shocked, SHOCKED, that K hasn't memed this site before.

[Hah! I can't believe i didn't know about it... truly my kind of site.

Plenty of fodder here in atlanta. Forget stickers, i'm gonna start taking pictures! -k]

I'm guilty of this to some extent; I've been known to park my land-yacht in the compact spaces at work because they face into the corners of the garage, and believe it or not the car fits without interfering with other spots. It is amusing to see a full-size car in the "compact" spot, although not as large as the Bummer.

RE: Super Duper Asshole Parking

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