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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Japanese Banquet of Cannibalism. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Japanese Banquet of Cannibalism
by Maco at 11:50 pm EST, Mar 7, 2007

Japan as a country never stops amazing us. I am sure you have heard of, or seen the “Nyotaimori” (literally means female body plate), where the restaurant serves sushi and sashimi on a naked woman’s body.

Wow, this is one aspect of Japan I've never heard of, but then, in a country where they have BuraSera (bloomers [of] sailor [uniformed school girls] stores) and used panty machines, it's not THAT surprising.

RE: Japanese Banquet of Cannibalism
by Acidus at 10:37 am EST, Mar 8, 2007

真子 wrote:

Japan as a country never stops amazing us. I am sure you have heard of, or seen the “Nyotaimori” (literally means female body plate), where the restaurant serves sushi and sashimi on a naked woman’s body.

Wow, this is one aspect of Japan I've never heard of, but then, in a country where they have BuraSera (bloomers [of] sailor [uniformed school girls] stores) and used panty machines, it's not THAT surprising.

Damn! Japan is fucked up sometimes.

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