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FBI Director, Facing Criticism, Plans New Focus on Terror Fight
by Jeremy at 6:05 am EDT, May 29, 2002

The FBI, facing intense criticism over its performance before 9/11, is planning a series of changes intended to alter its mission fundamentally, from solving crimes like bank robbery to countering terrorism.

... Changes include the transfer of more than 600 agents assigned to investigating narcotics, bank robberies, kidnappings and other traditional crimes to investigating and analyzing the terrorist threat to the United States, the officials said. In addition, CIA officers will be spread to field offices to help with analysis of intelligence about terrorist threats.

... Mr. Mueller has begun the transformation of a law enforcement agency into what will be at its core a domestic intelligence agency.

... A Fed said: "We can no longer be all things to all people in law enforcement." ... Responsibilities for some types of crimes will be shifted to the DEA, state police, and local police, who already complain they are overwhelmed.

... Congressman Charles Grassley: "The reorganization effort must shift the FBI's mind-set from arrest and prosecution to prevention."

I can just picture Tony Soprano, smiling and singing: "It's the end of the Bureau as we know it, ... and I feel fine." Can you?

Well, now they've gone and done it. It's "so long, farewell" to Hoover's FBI. Mobsters everywhere are no doubt breathing great sighs of relief. And, soon enough, disappointed FBI agents will be taking early retirement, to be replaced by young post-9/11 recruits with uncertain motivations.

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