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MemeStreams Discussion


This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Details fall into place at Disney - Orlando Sentinel : Business. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Details fall into place at Disney - Orlando Sentinel : Business
by Lost at 4:21 am EST, Jan 21, 2007

Does Cinderella have a TV?

Curious Walt Disney World fans such as Leny Sou of Chicago want to know.

Of all the prizes Disney is giving away in its big, 15-month "Year of a Million Dreams" campaign, perhaps none is more tantalizing than a night in Cinderella Castle, the signature icon of the Magic Kingdom.

It's also the one prize that seems to have most taxed Disney officials' imaginations.

Pictures here
by Decius at 1:04 pm EST, Jan 21, 2007

Jello wrote:

Does Cinderella have a TV?

Curious Walt Disney World fans such as Leny Sou of Chicago want to know.

Of all the prizes Disney is giving away in its big, 15-month "Year of a Million Dreams" campaign, perhaps none is more tantalizing than a night in Cinderella Castle, the signature icon of the Magic Kingdom.

It's also the one prize that seems to have most taxed Disney officials' imaginations.

Pictures here

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