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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: U.S. officials: Hussein execution this weekend - You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

U.S. officials: Hussein execution this weekend -
by Rattle at 3:40 am EST, Dec 29, 2006

Former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein is expected to be executed "this weekend," Bush administration officials told CNN on Thursday.

What a way to send off 2006...

RE: U.S. officials: Hussein execution this weekend -
by Shannon at 10:15 am EST, Dec 29, 2006

Rattle wrote:

Former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein is expected to be executed "this weekend," Bush administration officials told CNN on Thursday.

What a way to send off 2006...

You know, even though the bastard deserves to die, I cant help to think that mercy would send a better message to the people of Iraq. Some of the more respected historic Muslim leaders earned much that respect by not slaughtering the rulers of lands they conquered. Despite being a horrible dictator, some of the people of Iraq loved Hussein, not unlike some of America feels about Bush. I don't think killing Hussein aids regime change in the minds of the people of Iraq even though it may sit right with the voters of America.

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