While we're on the subject of things to do before getting married, here's a list for your consideration. "Experts" say these are "key" and "critical" questions, but some of them seem unbelievably petty: Will there be a television in the bedroom?
Taken at face value, this is almost a meta-question; if a minor disagreement on this point is going to stress the marriage, then clearly the verdict should be to not get married. At the end of last week, former Republican Congressman Bob Barr roiled the political waters with the announcement that he had left the Republican Party and become a life member of the Libertarian Party. "Putting some over the hill" is what they say around the Project Operations Control Center when they want to indicate that they are pumping Aqueduct water from the floor of the San Joaquin Valley up and over the Tehachapi Mountains. "Pulling it down" is what they say when they want to indicate that they are lowering a water level somewhere in the system. From the prophets I've been hearin' I would say the end is hearin' For I see familiar landmarks all along By the dreams that I've been dreamin' There will come a great redeemin' And over the next hill, we'll be home
Back to marriage: We're emotional illiterates. We've been taught about anatomy and farming methods in Africa. We've learned mathematical formulas by heart. But we haven't been taught a thing about our souls. We're tremendously ignorant about what makes people tick.
Having said all that, there may be something to this: Television In The Bedroom May Hurt Child's School Performance A ... [ Read More (0.9k in body) ]