Recommendation mapping is a new way to find music recommendations that are relevant to your specific taste. To get started, all you have to do is enter in your MyStrands username. Choose a playlist to visualize, and click "Create this map...". The mapping process should take less than a minute, and when it is done the map will automatically load on the page. Once the map is generated, you can retrieve it much more quickly in the future.
When the map is created, you will see a selection of colored "nodes". The nodes are all songs. The orange songs all come from your playlist, while the green songs are recommendations for those songs. The closer the two given songs are, the better the recommendation quality they are for each other. The size of the node gives you an idea of how popular the song is (bigger nodes are more popular). Also, older recommended songs will become darker and darker (very old songs will be black). Please click here to know more about this demo.