There has been much debate in regard to my original Muhammad drawing. I contend that my perspective is equally as valid as the muslim perspective (even though I don't agree that Muhammad is holy). I also contend that these views can co-exist peacefully.
To show this, I am uploading 3 more drawings based on the first.
One of them is my attempt at a Muslim appeasing piece with the same message, only for a Muslim audience.
The second I hide Muhammad's face with a slice of cheese. This is a reference to an argument I made about a hypothetical cheese god. This is a more compromised view, where I'm still able to hold the position that he is not holy to me and yet do not depict the face. It is also a sarcastic jab at the demand for censorship.
The third is BLATANTLY offensive. There is nothing about it's message I agree with. Many of the arguments made on the first cartoon complained about how offensive it was. I upload this one for comparisons sake. And also, If I am being made to make concessions to how I wish to depict muhammad in the first place by creating a "holy" Muhammad, I feel that showing an "Evil" muhammad (which I also does not fit my view) balances this. I think the viewpoint expressed in this cartoon is somewhat disgusting. It is mean spirited and stupid. I don't happen to like it, and I also don't care for the "Holy" view.
Oh. The severed head is Nick Berg.
The cartoon debate flared up again. I made a set with different viewpoints.