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RE: War Room - - The intelligence report cites 'leftist' groups as a terror threat


RE: War Room - - The intelligence report cites 'leftist' groups as a terror threat
by Rattle at 5:15 am EDT, Sep 29, 2006

Yeah but this one is maintained by some dip shit kid who thinks that coercively obstructing a meeting of democratically elected officials is "freedom of speech" and doesn't understand why the state might respond to that.

Well, technically the dipshit would be leaning on "freedom of assembly", but your larger point is on target. I'm pretty sure the framers did not intend the 1st amendment to protect setting off car bombs outside the Pentagon, destroying storefronts, mailing pipe bombs, or attempting to kill loggers.

RE: War Room - - The intelligence report cites 'leftist' groups as a terror threat

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