This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: ASCII Font. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.
ASCII Font by Decius at 1:24 pm EDT, Aug 8, 2006 |
This font pkg makes ansi fonts work in the terminal.app of osx. Hello my name is timball and I'm addicted to irc. Put the ASCII.ttf into /Library/Fonts/ then in the terminal.app: Terminal - Window Settings... [Display] Set Font... All Fonts - New - Regular - 11pt Set as default if you want it that way... I know I do. --timball Decius: Thank You! If someone had done this, say, 20 years ago macs might have actually been useful for BBSing and apple might have been in a better place in the market. |
RE: ASCII Font by k at 3:23 pm EDT, Aug 8, 2006 |
Decius wrote: This font pkg makes ansi fonts work in the terminal.app of osx. Hello my name is timball and I'm addicted to irc. Put the ASCII.ttf into /Library/Fonts/ then in the terminal.app: Terminal - Window Settings... [Display] Set Font... All Fonts - New - Regular - 11pt Set as default if you want it that way... I know I do. --timball Decius: Thank You! If someone had done this, say, 20 years ago macs might have actually been useful for BBSing and apple might have been in a better place in the market.
[Hm. I guess I might try it. I use courier new, and don't seem to have any problems with much of anything. I'm not that heavy a terminal user, however, to be fair. And I don't use it for IRC. I do use Visor, because having a terminal at the touch of Command-~ no matter what app i'm using is pretty damn awesome. -k |
RE: ASCII Font by flynn23 at 1:44 pm EDT, Aug 9, 2006 |
Decius wrote: Thank You! If someone had done this, say, 20 years ago macs might have actually been useful for BBSing and apple might have been in a better place in the market.
Um, recall that Macs were black n white screens in 1986. It wasn't until the Mac II was introduced that color was available, and yes, there was a terminal application available at the time (I can't recall the name. It may have been ZTerm or the VT102 app that Apple made for DEC) that allowed color ANSI text. I used it to BBS and connect to GEnie and Fidonet. Apple has very strong support for terminal emulation and connection back then. This was because the Mac II was sold primarily into high end workstation shops, so connections to Sun, SGI, DEC, Wang, and IBM systems was a MUST to get the PO signed. I've seen networks of dozens of Macs with token ring cards back then. Ick. What WAS seriously missing from Macs was an IP stack. That didn't arrive until 92, and was SERIOUSLY limited (could only accept addresses in non-CIDR formats) and buggy. Literally, it wasn't until Open Transport appeared in the mid 90s and stabilized in the late 90s that Mac's IP support was robust enough to do anything serious. Funny story: the first servers for BlueStar were actually 6100 Power Macs. They ran SMTP, POP, HTTP/FTP, and DNS. |
ASCII Font by Neoteric at 12:35 pm EDT, Aug 8, 2006 |
This font pkg makes ansi fonts work in the terminal.app of osx. Hello my name is timball and I'm addicted to irc. Put the ASCII.ttf into /Library/Fonts/ then in the terminal.app: Terminal - Window Settings... [Display] Set Font... All Fonts - New - Regular - 11pt Set as default if you want it that way... I know I do. --timball |