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RE: Force Field!


RE: Force Field!
by noteworthy at 8:21 pm EDT, May 11, 2006

terratogen wrote:

Force Field...

Decius wrote:

Unlikely. It's targeting and shooting the inbound projectiles.

That is true.

I suspect it's a laser.


Once an incoming threat is detected identified and verified, the Countermeasure Assembly is opened, the countermeasure device is positioned in the direction where it can effectively intercept the threat. Then, it is launched automatically into a ballistic trajectory to intercept the incoming threat at a relatively long distance.

Specific details about the composition and mechanism of this explosive interceptor device are vague. From the briefing provided by US sources, Defense Update understands that Trophy is designed to form a "beam" of fragments, which will intercept any incoming HEAT threat, including RPG rockets at a range of 10 – 30 meters from the protected platform.

The system has an automatic reload mechanism to handle multiple attacks.

The Trophy system is a miniaturized version of the anti-ballistic missile system that automatically detects an incoming threat and launches an interceptor rocket that homes in on the missile and destroys it at a safe distance. Designed to mounted on a fighting vehicle and provide a virtual bubble of protection, it includes rockets that are launched vertically and knock down the RPG round as it streaks toward the vehicle, the Web site said.

According to Defense Weekly, the Trophy is designed to form a 'beam' of fragments, which will intercept any incoming heat threat, including RPG rockets at a range of 32 feet to 100 feet from the protected platform. Trophy was designed to effectively operate in a dense urban environment, where armored vehicles operate closely with integrated infantry forces. Therefore, direction, formation and energy of the fragments are designed to ensure effective target kill with low collateral damage, and low risk to nearby troops.

"The Army is passing up [on Trophy] ..."

At the appropriate distance, a launcher fires oversized buckshot that shreds the incoming shell.

The launchers fire the neutralizing agents which are usually small metal pellets like shotgun shot.

While the 'hard kill' mechanism is classified, sources outside the programme told JDW that it works on an explosive formatted penetrator principle.

There is a related effort within the US Army:

The Army's Tank-Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center, or TARDEC, is one of several Defense Department groups looking for a way to give those troops in Hummers another layer of defense. TARDEC's solution: blast the RPG in midair, before it gets a chance to hit.

In another few years, Hummers' roofs could be covered with a dozen tubes, each filled with a foot-long mini-rocket called the FCLAS -- short for Full Spectrum Active Protection Close-In Shield.

Every FCLAS would have a pair of radio-frequency sensors inside. One in the nose would detect incoming RPGs and fire off a counterstrike. A second sensor, in the rocket's side, would go off when the RPG comes within range. The FCLAS would then detonate, letting loose a hail of explosive fragments, destroying the grenade in the process. The whole attack and response would take no more than a few seconds.

RE: Force Field!

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