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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Debate on HB1259 in Kennesaw. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Debate on HB1259 in Kennesaw
by Catonic at 6:16 pm EDT, May 5, 2006

Monday there will be a meeting at Kennesaw College:

Date: May 8, 2006
Time: 10:00am
Location: Room 300

Speakers: Calvin Hill, Representative who sponsored the bill, and
John Villanes, Chairman, Georgia Board of Private Detectives

It would be nice to see anyone that cares at all about this topic. REALLY if you care - make arrangements to be there. It does matter and I think we can all make a difference even if it means banding together. The Governor has to make a choice by Tuesday to Sign or Veto.

Scott Moulton

Debate on HB1259 in Kennesaw
by Decius at 6:42 pm EDT, May 5, 2006

Monday there will be a meeting at Kennesaw College:

Date: May 8, 2006
Time: 10:00am
Location: Room 300

Speakers: Calvin Hill, Representative who sponsored the bill, and
John Villanes, Chairman, Georgia Board of Private Detectives

It would be nice to see anyone that cares at all about this topic. REALLY if you care - make arrangements to be there. It does matter and I think we can all make a difference even if it means banding together. The Governor has to make a choice by Tuesday to Sign or Veto.

Scott Moulton

Decius: Unforuntately I will be unable to attend due to some responsibilities at work, but I strongly encourage those who care about this issue to make a showing at this meeting if at all possible. If they don't, this will turn into a very one sided discussion about a nationally unprecidented and extremely destructive law.

U: It has been vetoed!

Debate on HB1259 in Kennesaw
by Rattle at 10:19 pm EDT, May 5, 2006


Monday there will be a meeting at Kennesaw College:

Date: May 8, 2006
Time: 10:00am
Location: Room 300

Speakers: Calvin Hill, Representative who sponsored the bill, and
John Villanes, Chairman, Georgia Board of Private Detectives

It would be nice to see anyone that cares at all about this topic. REALLY if you care - make arrangements to be there. It does matter and I think we can all make a difference even if it means banding together. The Governor has to make a choice by Tuesday to Sign or Veto.

Scott Moulton

Decius: Unforuntately I will be unable to attend due to some responsibilities at work, but I strongly encourage those who care about this issue to make a showing at this meeting if at all possible. If they don't, this will turn into a very one sided discussion about a nationally unprecidented and extremely destructive law.

Rattle: I am going to be somewhere in the northeast/atlantic region while this is taking place, and unable to attend in person. I would highly appreciate it if someone present with a cell phone that has speaker phone capability could relay me the talk. I can mute the phone on my end and be able to hear the content. Now would be a very good time for everyone in contact with the media to send them a reminder about the debate. People need to make sure this is in their Monday morning calandar.

More information:

* Atlanta High Crimes Investigation Association web page
* SecurityFocus Article
* ForensicFocus Thread
* MemeStreams Thread #1
* MemeStreams Thread #2
* Bill Text

Update: There is an unconfirmed report that the Governor has vetoed the bill.

Debate on HB1259 in Kennesaw
by psyiode at 10:22 pm EDT, May 5, 2006


Monday there will be a meeting at Kennesaw College:

Date: May 8, 2006
Time: 10:00am
Location: Room 300

Speakers: Calvin Hill, Representative who sponsored the bill, and
John Villanes, Chairman, Georgia Board of Private Detectives

It would be nice to see anyone that cares at all about this topic. REALLY if you care - make arrangements to be there. It does matter and I think we can all make a difference even if it means banding together. The Governor has to make a choice by Tuesday to Sign or Veto.

Scott Moulton

Decius: Unforuntately I will be unable to attend due to some responsibilities at work, but I strongly encourage those who care about this issue to make a showing at this meeting if at all possible. If they don't, this will turn into a very one sided discussion about a nationally unprecidented and extremely destructive law.

Rattle: I am going to be somewhere in the northeast/atlanta region while this is taking place, and unable to attend in person. I would highly appreciate it if someone present with a cell phone that has speaker phone capability could relay me the talk. I can mute the phone on my end and be able to hear the content. Now would be a very good time for everyone in contact with the media to send them a reminder about the debate.

More information:

* Atlanta High Crimes Investigation Association web page
* SecurityFocus Article
* ForensicFocus Thread
* MemeStreams Thread #1
* MemeStreams Thread #2

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