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RE: US plans massive data sweep |


RE: US plans massive data sweep |
by flynn23 at 9:41 am EST, Mar 2, 2006

logickal wrote:

The US government is developing a massive computer system that can collect huge amounts of data and, by linking far-flung information from blogs and e-mail to government records and intelligence reports, search for patterns of terrorist activity.

The system - parts of which are operational, parts of which are still under development - is already credited with helping to foil some plots. It is the federal government's latest attempt to use broad data-collection and powerful analysis in the fight against terrorism. But by delving deeply into the digital minutiae of American life, the program is also raising concerns that the government is intruding too deeply into citizens' privacy.

Total F**king Information Awareness.

whatever. This is probably already operational. As a friend of mine observed when hearing that the NYT is suing the NSA for release of documents related to their warrantless wiretapping escapades - the whole reason why they don't want to talk about it is that it will reveal that they're already monitoring everything and using data mining and predictive modeling to highlight conversations of interest. Let's face it... the g'ment is already listening to everything we're doing. Without a warrant. Without a reason.

Since no one seems to be able to hold these ass clowns accountable for ANYTHING that they've done (and probably ooh so much that we don't know about), then it's moot. Our populace gets what it deserves.

RE: US plans massive data sweep |

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