Look, let's have a true debate about the future of our society. Muslims have to understand there is free speech in Europe, and that is that. On the other side, there needs to be an understanding that sensitive issues must be addressed with wisdom and prudence, not provocation. Just because you have the legal right to do something doesn't mean you have to do it. You have to understand the people around you. Do I go around insulting people just because I'm free to do it? No. It's called civic responsibility.
a clever argument and this whole issue makes me feel like some sort of fundamentalist i believe in free speech and democracy and i feel calls to be responsible challenges something basic. Whatever happened to the argument i grew up with that although i may not agree with u i'll fight to the death for your right to say it (provided i think u are being reasonable or demonstrating civic responsibility was never added) it may not be wise to provoke people but that is the job of satire |