Decius wrote: By 2030, spending for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid alone will be almost 60 percent of the entire federal budget. And that will present future Congresses with impossible choices -- staggering tax increases, immense deficits, or deep cuts in every category of spending. Congress did not act last year on my proposal to save Social Security -- (applause) -- yet the rising cost of entitlements is a problem that is not going away. (Applause.) And every year we fail to act, the situation gets worse.
I didn't see this on TV. This passage is interesting. Were they applauding the fact that Congress did not act? Is lower case applause democrat applause? How loud was the applause after the obligatory paragraph on the NSA surveillance? Was it as captial 'A' Applause as this passage was capital 'A' Applause...
FYI, The Dems were applauding super loud and standing up for NOT adopting S.S. reforms. They closed in on Clinton who smiled and nodded. It was just about the ONLY victory all night for the Dems. Except when he said "human animal hybrids." What a smartie. RE: President Bush Delivers State of the Union Address |