Laughing Boy wrote:
What, then, if smoking disappears from the District's bars next January?
Then I can only hope similar legislation finds its way to Atlanta!
Sorry smokers... when I go to a bar, I go to DRINK – not to smoke… not to have my eyes burning from irritation of half a room of cigs going nonstop... and not to walk out having myself reek of smoke for days.
(Don't worry - I won't play the "2'nd hand smoke causes cancer!" card - that’s unproven by most studies.)
So while I might sympathize with the possible detrimental effects a bar ban on smoking could have on your sex life, I don’t think that argument will play well into the hands of lawmakers. :)
I can only advise you single folks to brush up on your pickup lines.
Well what gets me is that most of you think that all smokers are bad and have a carton a day habit. Some of us smokers do enjoy a pipe or a cig. every once and a while but that is we enjoy it.
Btw, ditch the pickup lines and just be yourself, and you might get some....