There's been lots of talk on the web lately about Digg being the new Slashdot. Two months ago, a Digg reader noted that according to Alexa, Digg's traffic was catching up to that of Slashdot, even though Slashdot has been around for several years and Digg is just over a year old. The brash newcomer vs. the reigning champ, an intriguing matchup.
Last weekend, a piece on (50 Fun Things to Do With Your iPod) was featured on Digg and Slashdot[1] and the experience left behind some data that presents a interesting comparison to the Alexa data.
Indepth analysis by Kottke over the Influence vs Traffic of Digg and Slashdot. Short conclusion -- Digg is driving Slashdot (influence), but between Slashdot's audience and its policies (keeping stories for 24 hours on the front page), Slashdot is the bigger and longer traffic provider.