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RE: (in Polish) Information about Rodryg Dunin's Granowko estate


RE: (in Polish) Information about Rodryg Dunin's Granowko estate
by Elonka at 8:49 pm EST, Jan 3, 2006

adam wrote:

własność Rodryga hrabiego Dunina. - Majętność ta, dawniejsza siedziba Nieżychowskich, od roku 1898 znajduje się w rękach obecnego właściciela. - D..wygodny i przestworny, zbudowany został w pierwszej połowie zeszłego wieku przez .esnego właściciela Nepomucena Nieżychowskiego.

One of the things that I find frustrating about researching my heritage, is all the different ways that names can be spelled. For example, I've done many searches on my great-grandfather's name "Rodryg Dunin", but it was only today that someone (from Poland) showed me this site, with an actual picture of his home. The name is listed as "Rodryga hrabiego Dunina", which (I think) is the possessive form, so a rough translation would be "belonging to Count Rodryg Dunin".

In any case, I'm delighted to see this image. It was one of those "OMG" moments for me.

More Google searches to do now....

Elonka :)

does that make you secretly a countess Elonka? ;-)

Heh. The short answer is, "No, American citizens don't have titles." If you want the longer answer, buy me a drink sometime and I'll explain about Polish szlachta (pronounced shlawk-tah). ;)

RE: (in Polish) Information about Rodryg Dunin's Granowko estate

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