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Ambassador plays down Canada-U.S. feud
by Rattle at 3:22 pm EST, Dec 16, 2005

David Wilkins tried Thursday to play down the controversy over a speech this week in which he warned Ottawa to tone down anti-American rhetoric or risk hurting cross-border relations. The White House is upset at Martin for accusing it of lacking a global conscience on climate change and for slamming the fact punishing U.S. duties on softwood lumber have not been removed.

Martin, however, has been unrepentant, seizing on Wilkins's speech to trumpet that he would "not be dictated to" by the U.S.

Tensions with our friendly neighbor to the north? Is there anyone left to piss off? Have we said anything nasty to Australia lately? I don't think we are being thorough enough in pissing off the entire world. We are still missing countries. The state Department needs to get out there and talk more shit. Be specific, don't forget places like Norway. Even say something nasty about Poland, I know Bush thinks about them. And while we are at it, let's get the number of national security letters up, to say, three million a year... And demand that other countries honor them. We need to keep a list of people like me who criticize using sarcasm. This criticism shit can get out of hand. All this damn evil seditious descent from the children of the North American Empire be damned!

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