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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Capitol Hill Blue: Bush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper'. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Capitol Hill Blue: Bush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper'
by Rattle at 11:32 am EST, Dec 13, 2005

“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”

I’ve talked to three people present for the meeting that day and they all confirm that the President of the United States called the Constitution “a goddamned piece of paper.”

Please tell me this is some nut-job exaggerating the accuracy of his sources. So far all references to this point back to the writer of this article. I will maintain my doubts as to it's validity, if just to maintain my own calm. I don't want to believe Bush said that in the Oval Office, regardless of how much I dislike him.

This should be examined further. Bush took an oath to uphold that "goddamned piece of paper." Even in a fit of anger, making a statement like that is going way too far.

Update: More about this fellow's sources here. I hope some more media outlets look into this. I have trouble buying into any story where the single point of failure is one reporter and media outlet I know little about.

RE: Capitol Hill Blue: Bush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper'
by Dagmar at 12:56 am EST, Dec 19, 2005

Rattle wrote:

“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”

This should be examined further. Bush took an oath to uphold that "goddamned piece of paper." Even in a fit of anger, making a statement like that is going way too far.

Update: More about this fellow's sources here. I hope some more media outlets look into this. I have trouble buying into any story where the single point of failure is one reporter and media outlet I know little about.

Well, a rustling in the wind says that Bush signed some orders for wiretaps that neither he nor the agency involved were legally allowed to perform (even with the Patriot Act) and it's recently been uncovered that we had a _secret prison_ in Afghanistan which isn't likely to have any kind of oversight at all, so this doesn't really suprise me. It's very clear that Bush feels that his power is Absolute Power.

RE: Capitol Hill Blue: Bush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper'
by flynn23 at 10:25 am EST, Dec 19, 2005

Rattle wrote:

“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”

I’ve talked to three people present for the meeting that day and they all confirm that the President of the United States called the Constitution “a goddamned piece of paper.”

Please tell me this is some nut-job exaggerating the accuracy of his sources. So far all references to this point back to the writer of this article. I will maintain my doubts as to it's validity, if just to maintain my own calm. I don't want to believe Bush said that in the Oval Office, regardless of how much I dislike him.

This should be examined further. Bush took an oath to uphold that "goddamned piece of paper." Even in a fit of anger, making a statement like that is going way too far.

Update: More about this fellow's sources here. I hope some more media outlets look into this. I have trouble buying into any story where the single point of failure is one reporter and media outlet I know little about.

At what point does the word 'impeach' start floating around? Hell, we strung up Clinton because he lied about getting a blowjob. This guy has nearly bankrupted the country on wars, spied on its populace, and managed to screw up everything he's touched.

RE: Capitol Hill Blue: Bush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper'
by Mike the Usurper at 2:45 pm EST, Dec 19, 2005

At what point does the word 'impeach' start floating around? Hell, we strung up Clinton because he lied about getting a blowjob. This guy has nearly bankrupted the country on wars, spied on its populace, and managed to screw up everything he's touched.

Well for a lot of us crazy lefties it started about three years ago when he lied to Congress about the WMD's. Or when he lied about Iraq being involved in 9/11. Or when he lied about the Iraq Al-Qaeda connections.

What I'm waiting for is when he no longer leaves the country because the World Court has decided to prosecute him for "waging aggressive war." Impeach hell, his address shouldn't be Pennsylvania Ave, it should be Marion Federal Penitentiary.

RE: Capitol Hill Blue: Bush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper'
by flynn23 at 11:21 pm EST, Dec 19, 2005

Mike the Usurper wrote:

At what point does the word 'impeach' start floating around? Hell, we strung up Clinton because he lied about getting a blowjob. This guy has nearly bankrupted the country on wars, spied on its populace, and managed to screw up everything he's touched.

Well for a lot of us crazy lefties it started about three years ago when he lied to Congress about the WMD's. Or when he lied about Iraq being involved in 9/11. Or when he lied about the Iraq Al-Qaeda connections.

What I'm waiting for is when he no longer leaves the country because the World Court has decided to prosecute him for "waging aggressive war." Impeach hell, his address shouldn't be Pennsylvania Ave, it should be Marion Federal Penitentiary.

As "Fox News" as this sounds, I'm willing to give the guy the benefit of being the Prez as a bit of ground to cover this. But sheesh people... there's nothing good here. Literally, the only progress the administration has made has been in health care. The fact that they aren't marketing it as such means to me that they don't even think it's worthwhile. Everything else has been an abomination that I think even hard corps Republicans can't stomach anymore.

Let's see, we've burned 2000+ lives in Iraq fighting for something that had nothing to do with 9/11. Oh, those are our boys. There's 30K+ Iraqi's that have died for nothing.
We've accomplished nothing in Afghanistan. Bin Laden still runs amok.
We've done nothing, even according to the bi-partisan 9/11 commitee, to make the US safer from terrorist threats. Despite the billions spent on "homeland security"
We've endangered our allies (whoever they may be), namely Spain, the UK, Indonesia, Japan, and Germany.
Civil war and crime still rules across most of Africa. A resource we need to be cultivating. Don't even mention South America as a potential bastion of US support eroding.
We've nearly bankrupted the country on this war in Iraq, with nothing tangible to show for it. Just a potential of something that's vaugely talked about and not well understood by Joe Sixpack, who's footing the bill and whose sons are dieing in fighting it.
We mishandled the single largest disaster on American soil. Btw - this will end up costing us billions of dollars that we don't have.
The economy has barely managed to stay afloat, but it's been jeopoardized, ironically, by the same threat of going to war in Iraq.
We tortured people without reproach and without accountability.
We've been torturing people, and imprisoning them, without accountability worldwide.
We've even spied on and tortured our own populace without accountability.

If you are a Republican, or a Bush supporter, I'm begging you... please help me understand why this makes any sense to you. How can you view this as a success in any possible way? Because from my perspective, and I'm trying to be as objective as I possibly can, this is beyond failure. This is the worst outcome of an administration as far back as I can remember (and I can remember Nixon, just barely).

Bush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper'
by Dagmar at 11:01 am EST, Dec 18, 2005

The title doesn't say everything because he said some other equally horrifying things, too.

More of good ol' Dubya letting everyone know what he really thinks of "our" form of government.

RE: Bush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper'
by Shannon at 9:42 pm EST, Dec 18, 2005

Dagmar wrote:
The title doesn't say everything because he said some other equally horrifying things, too.

More of good ol' Dubya letting everyone know what he really thinks of "our" form of government.

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Goddamn Constitution of the United States.

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