Diebold pussies out again!!! WTF? Diebold is trying wimp out of compliance with simple laws... and they don't want to be held liable for anything, should their shit fail. Read up on what Diebold is saying at the link above, and since Diebold is using the "Microsoft" card, realize that Microsoft does have a Government Security Program that provides federal, state, and local governments access to the source code of the Microsoft OSs, and it's been in place since at least 2003 (the last major press release on the program) seen here; http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2003/jan03/01-14GSPrelease.mspx. [Neoteric] You're plugged in up in DC, where is the FEDERAL REGULATIONS on this stuff? The current E-Voting is TOO WEAK!!! Just my 2ยข, YMMV |