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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Internet Daily: Craigslist plans to make news . You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Internet Daily: Craigslist plans to make news
by Decius at 5:09 pm EST, Nov 23, 2005

Newmark said his news project will involve Web technology to let readers decide which news stories are the most important. At least one Web site is already working this field. invites readers to submit stories to be posted on its Web site. "Once a story receives enough (votes) from (the site's visitors) it will be promoted to the front page," the site explains.

What a great idea!

RE: Internet Daily: Craigslist plans to make news
by Lost at 7:47 pm EST, Nov 23, 2005

Decius wrote:

Newmark said his news project will involve Web technology to let readers decide which news stories are the most important. At least one Web site is already working this field. invites readers to submit stories to be posted on its Web site. "Once a story receives enough (votes) from (the site's visitors) it will be promoted to the front page," the site explains.

What a great idea!

Get some VC before everyone else does, with your idea.

Internet Daily: Craigslist plans to make news
by k at 5:35 pm EST, Nov 23, 2005

Newmark said his news project will involve Web technology to let readers decide which news stories are the most important. At least one Web site is already working this field. invites readers to submit stories to be posted on its Web site. "Once a story receives enough (votes) from (the site's visitors) it will be promoted to the front page," the site explains.

What a great idea!

[ Ugh. That sucks. Sorry bro. -k]

RE: Internet Daily: Craigslist plans to make news
by Decius at 3:53 am EST, Nov 24, 2005

k wrote:
[ Ugh. That sucks. Sorry bro. -k]

Well, suffice to say that we don't have any illusions that democratic editing is a scalable concept. There is no way to protect it from spam and other manipulation, and even if you could, the best you could hope for is the greatest common denominator, which is exactly what you are getting from the mass media anyway. The real power lies in being able to give you more then that, and these guys are a long way off from that kind of technology.

The main page on this site was placed there 6 months into the project just cause something needed to be there. It will ultimately evolve.

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