k wrote: janelane wrote: Bill Clinton was most certainly not impeached. And your last statement pretty much sums up the quagmire of deception that is the Bush Administration. Or, maybe Bush is just that stupid. The jury is still out. -janelane, politically
sidenote, I'm 99% sure BC was actually impeached. IIRC it just means congress formally charged him. Removal from office is only one outcome, and dependent upon the revelations and truths that come from the proceedings. he was eventually censured, but not removed from office.
Wikipedia says, "Clinton was impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives and in the ensuing trial in the U.S. Senate, Clinton was acquitted on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice." I didn't think he'd actually been formally charged, and I didn't realize he subsequently lost his law license. Whatever the failings of Wikipedia, its helping me to at least realize my ignorance on some matters. -janelane, skirting the opportunity to beat around and set fire to the Bush RE: Lawyers see charges this week in CIA-leak case |