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RE: Recipe for Destruction^WIgnorance^WFear - New York Times


RE: Recipe for Destruction^WIgnorance^WFear - New York Times
by Rattle at 1:01 pm EDT, Oct 18, 2005

Bill Joy and Ray Kurzweil are both kooks. They can join the ever growing list of social misfit multi-millionaires who take their intellect far too seriously and are also kooks, like Danny Hillis, Vint Cerf, and most of the MIT media lab leadership.

It seems like the only person who's able to channel their money and thoughts into something that actually might bring about something positive and worthwhile to the worlds populace has been Woz, and he was the guy everyone thought was the kookiest back in the day.

Woz is a personal hero. For that matter, so is Steve Jobs. Different reasons though..

RE: Recipe for Destruction^WIgnorance^WFear - New York Times

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