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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: White House Floor-Plan. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

White House Floor-Plan
by Rattle at 1:14 pm EDT, Oct 12, 2005

When reading the latest commentary on Harriet Miers, I found myself curious about where her position in the West Wing was. Over the course of trying to get an answer to this, I got sidetracked reading various papers about the history of various parts of the White House. I figured I'd pass this on, in case anyone else found it interesting.

The best source I've found for the current West Wing floor-plan come from the Washington Post. Depending on which version is correct, Miers has an office either right down the hall from the president or on the south-west corner of the second floor. Both are prime locations.

The Federation of American Scientists has another page with the layout of the West Wing, including the ground floor containing the Situation Room. This paper written by a Navy staffer who worked in the Situation Room gives a good breakdown of its history and operations.

Its been closed since September 11th, but the bowling alley in the White House complex is still there. It was in the West Wing previous to 1961 when the Situation Room was built, and now resides in the Eisenhower Building. Strangely, the bowling alley has never made an appearance on the The West Wing TV show, who's floor-plan is similar to the real West Wing in some ways, but has major differences.

RE: White House Floor-Plan
by Decius at 1:55 pm EDT, Oct 12, 2005

Rattle wrote:
The best source I've found for the current West Wing floor-plan come from the Washington Post. Depending on which version is correct, Miers has an office either right down the hall from the president or on the south-west corner of the second floor. Both are prime locations.

This is an interesting post. I wonder what the date on the first picture is?

RE: White House Floor-Plan
by Rattle at 3:11 pm EDT, Oct 12, 2005

This is an interesting post. I wonder what the date on the first picture is?

I was wondering that too.. I just got the bright idea to eyeball through the HTML source for clues, and found this:

var thisYear = 2004;
var dateStr = getSPYear('Friday, 06-Aug-04 10:52:51 EDT') ;

I guess that's it.

As a side note, I've added "go bowling at the White House" to the list of things I want to do before I die.

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