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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: In Shift, FEMA Will Seek Bids for Gulf Work - New York Times. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

In Shift, FEMA Will Seek Bids for Gulf Work - New York Times
by Mike the Usurper at 3:00 pm EDT, Oct 7, 2005

They have already won commitments from FEMA for a total of $125 million in work, identifying sites for trailers and mobile homes for Hurricane Katrina evacuees and then installing the housing across Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.

Now let me be sure I understand this. There are contracts out there to put in trailer homes, you remeber those, "God's gift to tornadoes and hurricanes" trailer homes, all across the area just smacked by Katrina and Rita?

No. No. No again I say! If you're going to build something, build something that has a chance of survival, not a straw man.

RE: In Shift, FEMA Will Seek Bids for Gulf Work - New York Times
by Catonic at 12:02 am EDT, Oct 9, 2005

Mike the Usurper wrote:

They have already won commitments from FEMA for a total of $125 million in work, identifying sites for trailers and mobile homes for Hurricane Katrina evacuees and then installing the housing across Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.

Now let me be sure I understand this. There are contracts out there to put in trailer homes, you remeber those, "God's gift to tornadoes and hurricanes" trailer homes, all across the area just smacked by Katrina and Rita?

No. No. No again I say! If you're going to build something, build something that has a chance of survival, not a straw man.

No, you don't understand. We need to fix the problem right now, not six weeks later after we've conscripted all those people who've lost homes into building homes for each other one brick at a time.

RE: In Shift, FEMA Will Seek Bids for Gulf Work - New York Times
by Mike the Usurper at 7:06 pm EDT, Oct 9, 2005

Catonic wrote:

Mike the Usurper wrote:

They have already won commitments from FEMA for a total of $125 million in work, identifying sites for trailers and mobile homes for Hurricane Katrina evacuees and then installing the housing across Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.

Now let me be sure I understand this. There are contracts out there to put in trailer homes, you remeber those, "God's gift to tornadoes and hurricanes" trailer homes, all across the area just smacked by Katrina and Rita?

No. No. No again I say! If you're going to build something, build something that has a chance of survival, not a straw man.

No, you don't understand. We need to fix the problem right now, not six weeks later after we've conscripted all those people who've lost homes into building homes for each other one brick at a time.

If this were temporary housing we're talking about while real places are being built, that's one thing, but from my understanding, they're talking about slapping "double wides" down. All that does is guarantee that when the next one hits (and it will) that we will be right back where we started.

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