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The Standard - Guangdong in crisis
by Rattle at 7:53 pm EDT, Sep 30, 2005

Guangdong, long viewed as the mainland's most prosperous province, is facing a series of crises, provincial Communist Party secretary Zhang Dejiang admitted to Chief Executive Donald Tsang and Hong Kong legislators during a private meeting last Sunday.

"Guangdong has been the nation's pioneer for economic reform in China and a miracle in the eyes of the world ... but, in fact, Guangdong is now in crisis management," Zhang said.

"There are various hidden worries and risks. If we took a wrong step, we might be overtaken by Jiangsu, Shandong, Zhejiang and Shanghai.

"The Pearl River Delta has prospered as the most affluent place in the country, but northern Guangdong is suffering the most severe poverty and underdevelopment.

"Guangdong faces [serious] problems arising from our rapid economic growth. The land area is getting smaller. Water and air pollution is serious and getting worse. We are worried about the safety of what we eat and drink."

Zhang said the province's target of becoming a middle-class society may be an impossible dream, and "in the long run, we may not achieve this."

Adding to the economic and environmental woes, Zhang said: "There is also a security problem in the province. Our open economic reform has attracted nationwide talent to the province, but Guangdong has also become a magnet for pickpockets from all parts of the country. So our social order is another serious problem.

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