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Still Eating Our Lunch - Thomas Friedman
by Rattle at 6:32 pm EDT, Sep 17, 2005

Singapore is a country that takes the Internet seriously. Last week its Ministry of Defense granted a deferment for the country's compulsory National Service to a Singaporean teenager so he could finish competing in the finals of the World Cyber Games - the Olympics of online war games.

If you want to follow a little analogy, is a portal where is domain registration.. Its something that may mirror the differences between the two places.

Being a tiny city-state of four million, Singapore is obsessed with nurturing every ounce of talent of every single citizen. That is why, although its fourth and eighth graders already score at the top of the Timss international math and science tests, Singapore has been introducing more innovations into schools. Its government understands that in a flattening world, where more and more jobs can go anywhere, it's not enough to just stay ahead of its neighbors. It has to stay ahead of everyone - including us.

... without much room to expand out, only up. I'm not sure what the teen suicide rate is compared to say, Japan. As Friedman points out in this article, Singapore has rote learning down pat. Its the creativity part they need to flesh out. Creativity happens within a space where its allowed and supported, correct?

Toward that end, some Singapore schools have adopted a math teaching program called HeyMath, which was started four years ago in Chennai, India, by two young Indian bankers, Nirmala Sankaran and Harsh Rajan, in partnership with the Millennium Mathematics Project at Cambridge University.

With a team of Indian, British and Chinese math and education specialists, the HeyMath group basically said to itself: If you were a parent anywhere in the world and you noticed that Singapore kids, or Indian kids or Chinese kids, were doing really well in math, wouldn't you like to see the best textbooks, teaching and assessment tools, or the lesson plans that they were using to teach fractions to fourth graders or quadratic equations to 10th graders? And wouldn't it be nice if one company then put all these best practices together with animation tools, and delivered them through the Internet so any teacher in the world could adopt or adapt them to his or her classroom? That's HeyMath.

I'd love to check out HeyMath, but its not something you can just sign up to use. It certainly sounds like an amazing tool for learning. I'm not sure how easy it would be to get access to use this in American schools. They are clearly following a very "all rights reserved" model, according to their site. Don't expect to see a Wikipedia like spirit present in this tool.

"No matter what kind of school their kids go to, parents all ... [ Read More (0.2k in body) ]

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