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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Kitten Cannon - Presented by Addicting Games. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Kitten Cannon - Presented by Addicting Games
by Mike the Usurper at 3:21 am EDT, Aug 24, 2005

Okay, it's wrong, but so what.

RE: Kitten Cannon - Presented by Addicting Games
by Shannon at 3:25 pm EDT, Aug 24, 2005

Mike the Usurper wrote:
Okay, it's wrong, but so what.


RE: Kitten Cannon - Presented by Addicting Games
by wilpig at 1:56 pm EDT, Aug 25, 2005

terratogen wrote:

Mike the Usurper wrote:
Okay, it's wrong, but so what.


Alright I had to stop after my supply of lab kittens ran out at 967 ft.

RE: Kitten Cannon - Presented by Addicting Games
by skullaria at 7:36 am EDT, Aug 26, 2005

terratogen wrote:

Mike the Usurper wrote:
Okay, it's wrong, but so what.


My son played this all night long. He ended up getting a kitten over 12,000 feet. He was howling with laughter. Thanks- the link made his night.

RE: Kitten Cannon - Presented by Addicting Games
by flynn23 at 9:55 am EDT, Aug 26, 2005

Mike the Usurper wrote:
Okay, it's wrong, but so what.

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