janelane wrote: But, honestly, what's the worse case scenario here? I mean, could the legislature (or Supreme Court, depending on which side of the barnyard fence you're on) really be so grossly swindled by this collaboration that it passes laws based on their partisan definition? I'm inclined to agree with the article that, at best, such legislation will secure a stamp of approval for these types of bullshit programs. At worst, however, I think that it could give truly malicious programs a narrowly defined facade of legitimacy in the face of supposedly adequate filtering software. -janelane, subversively
I'm not sure about spyware laws. I believe very strongly that legislators are completely clueless when it comes to technology. As a result they pass laws which are woefully inadequate (CAN SPAM), or so broad that they get mis-applied (DMCA) I'd actually be happier with no spyware law. RE: Wired News: Giving New Meaning to 'Spyware' |