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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Press Ripples. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Press Ripples
by Elonka at 1:30 pm EDT, Jun 12, 2005

I continue to be fascinated with how the Kryptos story is being disseminated around the world from the recent articles.

When the WSJ front-page article came out, it was in a "subscription-only" section of the WSJ site. The only link to it via Google News, was on the Pittsburgh Post Gazette site, which had it verbatim.

But the UK Guardian piece that ran in their Saturday paper is public, and is being picked up in interesting places. They all seem to be taking the exact text, though sometimes they'll change the headline. Six different sites have picked it up so far, in vastly different parts of the world. I wonder which ones are swiping the Guardian article, and which ones are swiping from one of the other "upstreams".

A check of Google News this morning:

Guardian Unlimited, UK - Jun 10, 2005
(the original piece)
Headline: "Interest grows in solving cryptic CIA puzzle after link to Da Vinci Code"

The Observer, UK - Jun 10, 2005 (sister site to Guardian)
Headline: Same

Mail & Guardian Online, South Africa - Jun 10, 2005
Headline: "Interest grows in solving cryptic CIA puzzle"

Mathaba.Net, Africa - Jun 11, 2005
Headline: "High interest in solving CIA Kryptos after link to Da Vinci Code"

Hindu, India - 19 hours ago
Headline: "The secrets of Kryptos and a code to break"

Taipei Times, Taiwan - 13 hours ago
Headline: "Interest grows to crack CIA puzzle"

Free Press International, Texas - 5 hours ago
Headline: Same as Guardian

RE: Press Ripples
by Decius at 2:26 pm EDT, Jun 15, 2005

Elonka wrote:
I continue to be fascinated with how the Kryptos story is being disseminated around the world from the recent articles.

Well, you're on top at Boing Boing right now...

RE: Press Ripples
by Elonka at 7:05 am EDT, Jun 17, 2005

Decius wrote:

Elonka wrote:
I continue to be fascinated with how the Kryptos story is being disseminated around the world from the recent articles.

Well, you're on top at Boing Boing right now...

Yup, I was already getting a lot of traffic from the Guardian article, but the new surge definitely looks Boing-Boing-Related:

Unique visitors/day to

6/10: 3002
6/11: 3059
6/12: 2652 (-- Taper off from Guardian article
6/13: 2462
6/14: 1870
6/15: 4026 (-- New surge from Boing-Boing, and bbspot
6/16: 4243

For reference, baseline traffic is usually about 500 visitors/day.



Total 476,966
Average Per Day 3,045
Average Visit Length 4:13
Last Hour 30
Today 245
This Week 21,314


Total 1,093,019
Average Per Day 7,843
Average Per Visit 2.6
Last Hour 90
Today 692
This Week 54,903

RE: Press Ripples
by grunchley at 3:51 pm EDT, Jun 17, 2005

I am so jealous. :-P

Elonka wrote:

Decius wrote:

Elonka wrote:
I continue to be fascinated with how the Kryptos story is being disseminated around the world from the recent articles.

Well, you're on top at Boing Boing right now...

Yup, I was already getting a lot of traffic from the Guardian article, but the new surge definitely looks Boing-Boing-Related:

Unique visitors/day to

6/10: 3002
6/11: 3059
6/12: 2652 (-- Taper off from Guardian article
6/13: 2462
6/14: 1870
6/15: 4026 (-- New surge from Boing-Boing, and bbspot
6/16: 4243

For reference, baseline traffic is usually about 500 visitors/day.



Total 476,966
Average Per Day 3,045
Average Visit Length 4:13
Last Hour 30
Today 245
This Week 21,314


Total 1,093,019
Average Per Day 7,843
Average Per Visit 2.6
Last Hour 90
Today 692
This Week 54,903

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