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RE: Senate OKs Video Game Restrictions


RE: Senate OKs Video Game Restrictions
by Jamie at 6:17 pm EDT, May 26, 2005

Acidus wrote:
] ] The Illinois Senate approved a version of Gov. Rod
] ] Blagojevich's proposed restrictions on the sales of
] ] violent and sexually explicit video games to children,
] ] even though some senators said the idea is
] ] unconstitutional.
] ]
] ] The measure approved Thursday would require store owners
] ] to determine which games are too violent or sexually
] ] explicit for anyone under 18. Anyone selling them to a
] ] minor could be fined.
] OK, Problem 1. Putting the burden on the shop owner to
] classify "obscene" games, and then fining the owner when their
] definition of "obscene" differs from yours. What do they
] expect these owners do to? Play every game that comes out
] every week to test it? Shouldn't they rather be, I don't know,
] running their damn business?
] I've said it before and I'll say it again. "Parents: its
] not the gov't job to raise your kids for you. Stop lobbying
] for shitty laws because you are 'too busy' with your career to
] *actually* spend time teaching your kids right and wrong"

] This is just golden:
] ] The sponsor, Sen. Deanna Demuzio, denied the measure
] ] would interfere with free speech rights.
] ]
] ] "Video games are not art or media," she said. "They are
] ] simulations, not all that different from the simulations
] ] used by the U.S. military in preparation for war."
] But the saddest thing in this entire article is:
] ] "I'm going to vote for this bill, but I'm voting for it
] ] for one reason: because this is a political bill,"
] ] said Sen. Mike Jacobs. "If I vote against it, it will
] ] show up in a campaign mail piece

The government should just go ahead and make a label like they did for music - slap a sticker on a box and go with it.
I think it would actually help sales.

You walk into a store - two video games. One says "Safe for Children" the other says "gratuitous violence" - I know which one I'm buying.

RE: Senate OKs Video Game Restrictions

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