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RE: Arts & Entertainment | Tarantino's morbid take on


RE: Arts & Entertainment | Tarantino's morbid take on
by IconoclasT at 7:16 am EDT, May 21, 2005

dmv wrote:
] CSI and Tarantino are both different, guilty pleasures of mine.
] This review nicely characterizes why both are, and why they
] make odd bedfellows. I'll have to track this episode down
] myself.
] When Tarantino had a cameo on Alias, another guilty pleasure,
] that was something. It made sense. And has a great
] character. But CSI?

I saw it and it wasn't bad.. Quentin added some new elements to the CSI episode but it was very reminiscent of some of the events in Kill Bill V2 (Uma's character Black Mamba being buried alive to wake up encased in a coffin) and dragged out a bit longer than it needed to. It can only get better so I'd like to see some more similar projects.

RE: Arts & Entertainment | Tarantino's morbid take on

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