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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: - California to ban hunting over Internet - May 4, 2005. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet. - California to ban hunting over Internet - May 4, 2005
by w1ld at 2:26 am EDT, May 7, 2005

] SACRAMENTO, California (AP) -- Wildlife regulators took
] the first step Tuesday to bar hunters from using the
] Internet to shoot animals, responding to a Texas Web site
] that planned to let users fire at real game with the
] click of a mouse.The Fish and Game Commission ordered
] wildlife officials to prepare emergency regulations to
] ban the practice. A period of public comment will
] follow."We don't think Californians should be able to
] hunt sitting at their computers at home," said Steve
] Martarano, a spokesman for the state Department of Fish
] and Game.A bill passed by the state Senate two weeks ago
] would prohibit use of computer-assisted hunting sites and
] ban the import or export of any animal killed using
] computer-assisted hunting. The measure now moves to the
] state Assembly.

So un-American of those politicians to try banning hunting over the internet.

RE: - California to ban hunting over Internet - May 4, 2005
by IconoclasT at 10:45 am EDT, May 7, 2005

w1ld wrote:

] So un-American of those politicians to try banning hunting
] over the internet.
] :)

Yeah! At least they should wait for a standard or RFC for HOIP (hunting over IP) to be adopted.

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