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RE: Cigarette Lighters Banned From Airplanes


RE: Cigarette Lighters Banned From Airplanes
by Shannon at 6:40 pm EDT, Apr 14, 2005

Mike the Usurper wrote:
] I understand now! The goal isn't to protect the people on the
] planes, they've been lined up like ducks at a shooting
] gallery, the idea is to protect the money that the airlines
] have spent on the planes. because as we all know, anyone
] trying to hijack a plane at this point would be bodily ripped
] limb from limb.

More buildings, skyscrapers, and crowded places. That's the real danger. Otherwise a plane isn't all so different than a train or subway (in fact, a train can potentially be significantly more dangerous in some ways). There is no "Safe" railroad and every attempt to make one so far has been useless. Likewise with airporrt security... Which has irritated a ton of average folk and bloggers but has yet (as far as I know) catch one single terrorist before they did what they came for. The risk of a terrorist on your plane even in the pre 9-11 days was next to nothing. Even with all these extra measures I'ts not going to significantly improve a rating of next to nothing. The only logical option is to find ways to minimize damages as much as possible, and with a plane the largest potential is outside the vehicle.

So yeah, fuck the people riding. Airport security today is lame. Not only because it doesn't DO anything, but also because its unimaginative.

How about this for safety --
Give EVERYONE on the plane a package consisting of a broad sword, a cross bow, a bundle of poison darts, and some light body armor as they board the plane. Fly safe and free in a mexican standoff. If there is ever a problem, at least it will be fucking entertaining. For those who plan on bringing bombs... there's no real 100% effective method to stop them... Why not make it sporting? Have a guarded self destruct button in the middle of the air plane...If one is able to fight their way to the button, they win.

RE: Cigarette Lighters Banned From Airplanes

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