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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: (Polish language) The Sainting of Raphael Kalinowski. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

(Polish language) The Sainting of Raphael Kalinowski
by Elonka at 3:43 pm EDT, Apr 6, 2005

] W latach 1953-1956 zosta%u0142 przeprowadzony Proces
] Apostolski i Kongregacja przyst%u0105pi%u0142a do
] dyskusji o heroiczno%u015Bci cnót. Papie%u017C Jan
] Pawe%u0142 II, 11 pad%u017Cdziernika 1980 roku
] promulgowa%u0142 dekret heroiczno%u015Bci cnót, a po
] zatwierdzeniu cudownego uzdrowienia ksi%u0119dza
] W%u0142adys%u0142awa Misia ten sam Papie%u017C, dnia 22
] czerwca 1983 roku, beatyfikowa%u0142 Ojca Rafa%u0142a
] Kalinowskiego w Krakowie.

This is the Polish language page about the sainting of my (thrice)great-uncle Raphael Kalinowski by Pope John Paul II. I am meme-ing it both for the benefit of Polish-speaking friends and family, and also so that I can bookmark the search terms for later research. For example, in English, he's Saint Raphael Kalinowski. In Polish, he's "sw. Rafala Kalinowskiego". With accent marks properly placed, it's pronounced "Rahfahwa Kaleenovskeeyehgo".

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