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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: How to get that perfect shave - Today, Weekend Edition - You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

How to get that perfect shave - Today, Weekend Edition -
by dmv at 1:00 pm EDT, Apr 6, 2005

] proper shaving has become a lost art. Shaving is one of
] those glorious male traditions that used to be passed
] down from father to son, but somewhere along the line,
] when shaving became more about cheap, disposable razors
] than a nice, precision-made metal tool in your hand, it
] became a brainless routine to rush through in the morning
] without even thinking about it. A dull disposable razor
] dragged across a layer of foam or gel on your cheeks is a
] step backward from the past, not an improvement. Now that
] men of all ages are paying more attention to their
] appearance, it%u2019s no wonder that the hottest trend
] right now in male grooming is a return to the traditional
] wet shave %u2013 and millions of men have been shocked to
] discover that the %u201Cold fashioned%u201D method of
] shaving they thought went out with the Hula Hoop is
] actually the best quality shave you can get.

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