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RE: Dancing Man Code


RE: Dancing Man Code
by StankDawg at 12:06 pm EDT, Apr 8, 2005

Elonka wrote:
] StankDawg wrote:
] ] Character 4 and character 6 in the top row are CLEARLY
] ] different! Yet they both represent the same letter! That
] is
] ] intentionally misleading to use 2 characters for the same
] ] letter. I know (now, after finding the solution) their
] ] significance, but that was a pretty tough thing ot figure
] out.
] Hmm, I get:
] Character 4 == "o". Arms up, left leg bent
] Character 6 == "e". Arms up, legs straight, feet pointed out
] Or are we talking about a different section?

I was referring to the original puzzle. I think you were referring to the T-shirt perhaps?

RE: Dancing Man Code

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