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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: The Big Picture: Cheap Gas. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

The Big Picture: Cheap Gas
by dmv at 12:51 pm EST, Mar 31, 2005

] The WSJ notes that high oil prices is crimping SUV sales.
] The big, inefficient and deadly vehicles (which always
] seem to be in my way) are Detroit's most profitible cash
] cow. Don't think the secular bull market in energy over
] the past few years hasn't contributed to GM's woes.
] And yet, Gasoline remains cheap. That's right, it is a
] relatively inexpensive commodity. It takes 100 million
] years to create; Then it needs to be explored and found,
] drilled into and pumped out of the ground, shipped,
] refined in gasoline, then transported to your local gas
] station where some guy pumps it into your car for about
] two and half bucks a gallon -- and thats for high octane
] premium.

Follows with a fun table ("Other 'Refined' Products Compared to Gasoline")

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