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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Airport scanners keep it anonymous | CNET You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Airport scanners keep it anonymous | CNET
by Rattle at 3:17 pm EST, Mar 17, 2005

] The "suicide bomber" clips a shrapnel-filled belt around
] his waist and buttons up his jacket to conceal it.
] As he turns back and forth in front of a semicircular
] white panel about the size of a shower cubicle, a
] computer monitor shows the metal-packed cylinders
] standing out clearly in white against his body.
] This is no real security alarm: It's a demonstration at
] the British technology group Qinetiq of a scanning device
] that sees under people's clothes to spot not just metal
] but other potential threats, like ceramic knives or
] hidden drugs.

Sounds like what was called Millimeter Wave in the novel Snowcrash, right? Well, guess what the technology is called.. Millimeter Wave. Yep, life continues to imitate fiction.

I just left a message on George Orwell's VMB telling him to screw himself.

RE: Airport scanners keep it anonymous | CNET
by Decius at 3:45 pm EST, Mar 17, 2005

Rattle wrote:
] I just left a message on George Orwell's VMB telling him to
] screw himself.

I prefer to simply yell at my television set.

RE: Airport scanners keep it anonymous | CNET
by Rattle at 6:50 pm EST, Mar 17, 2005

Decius wrote:
] I prefer to simply yell at my television set.

Let me frame this situation this way:

We are very old. Lets just say, in our 90's. Our bodies are broken and weak, but our minds are not only strong, but augmented by nano-treatments that Dr. Cross will develop a some point in the future. We can only type for, say, four hours of the day.

Which form of reflexive communication would you want to have at that point?

Now, I've already divulged my secret fantasy of having my multi-TV setup, and sitting in my big comfy chair, glass of rum in one hand, high powered revolver in the other. Lets just say we are both in this same position. Think Hunter S. Thompson.

Now, you could scream at the TV, or you could leave raging voice mail rants. I'm opting for the raging voice mail, as it would probably be a bad idea to shoot more then four or five TV's a day. That would really get expensive past a certain point. I could blow off the Gates fortune if I watched Fox News for a few weeks straight.

In the end, it may all be the same thing. There will be good voice recognition at that point, so we are basically talking about email. Still, I don't want to scream at the TV unless its the person on the other end hearing it. I don't want that habit as the default. I will fully admit this does happen sometimes, that is screaming at the person on the other end of the TV, and them hearing it. However, it only happens when I'm "at work". As we all know, Robert Deniro's character in Wag the Dog was based on me, with a different look. (Shit, you _can't_ complain when they cast Deniro as you..)

Now, take my advice.. When you return to your Buckhead Burclave, order a pizza from CostaNostra, pop in the latest Vitaly Chernobyl album, plug into the Metaverse, and leave Rupert Murdoch a raging voicemail. Be sure to make effort to have it not come off as a terroristic threat, or you will wind up in The Clink (we welcome busloads!). The future may not need us, but it is on the way none the less, and you will listen to Reason. The Infocalypse has you, Decius.

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