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RE: Boing Boing: U.N. landmine commerical won't air in US.


RE: Boing Boing: U.N. landmine commerical won't air in US.
by Rattle at 10:28 pm EST, Mar 8, 2005

Decius wrote:
] Well, its kind of stupid. If there were land mines in the
] local park they would have been discovered when the lawn was
] mowed. A more realistic scenario would be one in which the
] local boys were exploring in the woods and stepped on one. In
] either event, I think seeing kids blow up is most likely to
] just make people laugh. If you filmed emergency vehicles and
] crying mothers instead you'd not only get aired, but you might
] actually get your point across.

True. It would make more sense for a troop of Boy Scouts got taken out by a bouncing betty while on a hike..

RE: Boing Boing: U.N. landmine commerical won't air in US.

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