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RE: Boing Boing: U.N. landmine commerical won't air in US.


RE: Boing Boing: U.N. landmine commerical won't air in US.
by Decius at 5:13 pm EST, Mar 8, 2005

k wrote:
] ] A U.N. commercial depicts American girls playing in a
] ] soccer match. A girl steps on a landmine and there's a
] ] big explosion. Kids get blown apart. CNN and other
] ] networks don't want to air the ad.
] [ It's disturbing, that's for sure. God knows, we wouldn't
] want to upset anyone. -k]

Well, its kind of stupid. If there were land mines in the local park they would have been discovered when the lawn was mowed. A more realistic scenario would be one in which the local boys were exploring in the woods and stepped on one. In either event, I think seeing kids blow up is most likely to just make people laugh. If you filmed emergency vehicles and crying mothers instead you'd not only get aired, but you might actually get your point across.

RE: Boing Boing: U.N. landmine commerical won't air in US.

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