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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: The email of a 2600 author. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

The email of a 2600 author
by Acidus at 10:07 pm EST, Mar 5, 2005

alex crimmins wrote:

]hello, my name is alex. i found your website about the backddor
]password and i have a few questions. i programmed the stuff into
]my ti 84+ and the first program, "fortres", worked fine. the
]second one on the other hand give me the same message when i try to
]use it, "err: syntax". i dont know why it is doing this. i have
]tried it many times, and had my friend jack make sure i programmed
]it right. i even re-programmed it to make sure. and i was also
]wondering when i run the first program is says, "acidus fortres
]cracker?" then i put a number in, i have been using 1 for the
]number, and i was wondering if there is a specific number i need to
]use. please email me back, it would be really appreciated. thank

Dear Alex,

I am not going to tell you the specific number you need to put in. I am sorry the program doesn't work for you. The instructions on how to use the program, as well as the input you need to make it work are well documented on my website and elsewhere on the Internet.

Alex, the very fact you have to ask me this question means you don't have a single clue as to what you are doing. Instead of trying to hack your middle school's computers by reading some article you obviously didn't understand and typing in a program that you have no idea what it does, try something else. Like basketball. Or maybe field hockey. Because Alex, at least for right now, hacking computers is not for you. You are going to get caught. Or run some program which destroys something. Or you'll email someone asking about a program and they will send you something that will crash your machine. Or it will install a keylog to capture your parents banking info and relay spam for some crazy Russian. If you continue blindly doing this, you are going to hurt someone or destroy something, when all you really wanted to do is have fun.

Suddenly Alex, you are yet another 13 year old kid who, while not really wanting to do anything "bad" and really not doing all that much damage, will appear on my local nightly news cast. I'll hear some District Attorney who is eyeing the governors office and wants to make an example of you, telling the talking heads that you are a cyber terrorist. And then my friend, you will get fucked. You will be fucked beyond your wildest dreams. And when John Q Public turns on his TV at night at hears some self-important DA telling them to thank the sweet lord Jesus they stopped the evil Alex before he stole 500,000 credit card numbers and started world war 3, then Alex, John Q Public gets pretty damn scared. And when that happens we get Congress passing poorly-worded bullshit laws. And that effects me.

Alex, you might think I am being an asshole, you might think I am being some 31337 hax0r pig, but trust me I am saving you from a world of hurt. You need to take my email address and you need to rip it up. You need to tell your friend Jack that he needs to stop. Because you don't know what you are doing and from what I can tell you are not smart enough to *not* fuck up your future.

I don't want to see you on the news Alex, so stop the bullshit and start thinking.

RE: The email of a 2600 author
by Catonic at 11:03 pm EST, Mar 5, 2005


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