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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Save Orphan Works. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Save Orphan Works
by Decius at 3:48 pm EST, Feb 24, 2005

] The copyright office is currently considering whether to
] recommend changes to copyright law that will make it
] easier and cheaper for you to use "orphaned works" --
] works that remain under copyright but whose "owner" can't
] be found. As many of you have written me, this is a real
] problem that affects thousands of innovative people every
] year. But the copyright office still needs some
] convincing.
] To convince them, we need your help. If you have a
] relevant story, or a perspective that might help the
] Copyright Office evaluate this issue, I would be grateful
] if you took just a few minutes to write an email telling
] them your story. The most valuable submissions will make
] clear the practical burden the existing system creates.
] (One of my favorite stories is about a copy-shop's
] refusal to enlarge a 60 year old photo from an elementary
] school year book for a eulogy because the copyright owner
] couldn't be found.) Describe instances where you wanted
] to use a work, but couldn't find the owner to ask
] permission. Explain how that impacted your ability to
] create. Or pass this email on to someone who you know
] might have a useful story to add.

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