Google Maps is extremely cool. Great interface. The maps are very good, however they are missing a few things, such as the direction of one way streets. It also does not support Safari yet. [ Wow. Just the other day i was remarking that mapquest seemed to have gotten a lot better lately, but this kinda kicks its ass. The ability to pan around is big for me, because i always want to get a feel for the roads, and try to decide if i can do a better job than the automatic directions (which is pretty common, actually). This interface makes that a *LOT* easier. Also, like other google tools, it makes a best guess, so you can be pretty vague. I put in my office address as "2920 brandywine 30341" and it didn't hesitate at all. Mapquest always has that "The address was not found but this other ONE is similar..." by which it means, the exact address, but with the proper zip+4, etc. Really just an irritating extra click is what it is. Google is also somewhat tolerant of mispellings too - spelling "branywine" as "brandwin" worked fine, altho "brandwie" and "branwin" did not. I'm not sure how this compares to the other tools. The main thing mapquest has that I find superior is the driving directions inclusion of highway numbers and directions as traffic sign icons... that makes following them from a printout just a little easier, since you don't have to look carefully at the text. -k] |