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RE: New (sub)Urbanism: The Copyrighting of Public Space


RE: New (sub)Urbanism: The Copyrighting of Public Space
by flynn23 at 1:21 pm EST, Feb 8, 2005

Palindrome wrote:
] Dolemite wrote:
] ] ] The Reader recounts the experience of photojournalist
] ] ] Warren Wimmer's attempts to photograph Anish Kapoor's
] ] ] sculpture, Cloud Gate (more commonly known as "the
] ] ] Bean"). When Wimmer set up his tripod and camera to shoot
] ] ] the sculpture, security guards stopped him, demanding
] ] ] that they show him a permit. Wimmer protested, replying
] ] ] that it's absurd that one needs to pay for a permit to
] ] ] photograph public art in a city-owned park.
] ]
] ]
] ] WTF? I found this linked on BoingBoing this morning and
] still
] ] can't quite understand how something like this ever
] happened.
] ] Public funds paid for a sculpture to go in a public park
] that
] ] the public can't take photographs of. The procurement
] officer
] ] definitely needs to have his or her pink slip on the way.
] Exactly. I saw this yesterday and was amazed. Once again the
] question we are left with is- How the heck can people justify
] this.

and people scoff when I suggest we should abolish all IP law. Without an equal and opposite force, this will continue to consume and destroy our culture. Don't shudder in disbelief when someone copyrights your genome sequence.

RE: New (sub)Urbanism: The Copyrighting of Public Space

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